It was the 10th of May of 2008 and I was almost 7 months old.
Finally, the car stopped and I got out … Well, that surely was a different kind of park! There were dogs alright, but loads of them! Some pretty noisy, too…
That was when I saw my cousin Zoe (SeaLords Sleepless in Seattle) and her owner, and we went to join them. I thought that playtime was about to begin, but no, our owners just kept brushing and brushing us!
Then my younger owner changed my lead and took me to meet a tall gentleman I had never seen before… He looked nice though, even if he was a bit nosy…

My owners looked pleased, I have no idea why, but if they’re happy, I’m happy too!
Afterwards, I finally had the chance to play with my cousin! Our owners had been eating, and before going back to that strange park, we went to a large ground where Zoe and I could have some runs and play a bit with each other.

Then, it was time to return to where all those other dogs were. We stayed there for a little while longer. I was taken to meet another gentleman and after that we went to the car and headed back home! I was knackered! I slept most of the way but I still overheard my owners commenting I had been the best puppy of the breed and second best in the group, whatever that means… They looked very pleased about it though.
Anyway, it seems that was my first Dog Show…